
This Sacred Council: Exploring the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, Volume 2: Lumen Gentium is unavailable, but you can change that!

Lumen Gentium, “Light of the Nations,” is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council. This document examines what Blessed Pope John Paul II tells us is the primary question of the Council: “Church, what do you say of yourself?” The Council fathers examine the inner nature of the Church and that their approach would be one of continuity and faithfulness to the teachings of...

In the first chapter of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (also called Lumen Gentium), the council Fathers proclaim the Church as “mystery.” What an extraordinary introduction to the nature of the Church. Lumen Gentium has been called the most pivotal achievement of the Vatican II Council. This document underwent the most extensive revisions and rewrites of all the conciliar documents before its final promulgation. Every word received painstaking scrutiny
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